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Autumn leaves

Posted on | November 15, 2009 | 2 Comments

First land-based weekend in a long time. And what a knocking weekend it was, autumn when at it´s best! Albeit the weather was grey and rainy, the indoor socialisms were all the cosier. The fireplace burning 24/7, short bursts of playing outside with the little ones, good food in excess and the mandatory Kicki-festis set firm in “constant-dripple-mode”.



Days like these ones, one tends to remember how grand it is to just sit back and enjoy life and the family. No stressing around doing “fun stuff”, no packing-unpacking and drying +100 kg of fishing gear. But the bliss of loved ones doesn´t necessarily mean you can´t still walk the extra mile and add a layer of extra sweet love in the shape of food. Spaghetti Carbonara and Fläsklägg with rotmos were the focal points of this weekends robust Swedish-Italian cross-over theme.


Extra joy was brought by the fallow dear stags that feasted on fallen apples just 5 meters outside the sofa. My children pointed and made big eyes, my loved one commented that they were mooses. Big-ass antlers for sure but mooses, no…


2 Responses to “Autumn leaves”

  1. J
    November 15th, 2009 @ 23:06

    Ja, myshelg. Puss.

  2. Angelika Dilschmann
    November 16th, 2009 @ 12:43

    Härligt att läsa att även gråväder kan uppskattas!